Page 70 - NO.154銀行家雜誌
P. 70

               Special Issue

              並進行轉帳而造成的。」這指出了一個更大                              就因為救出幾名被騙到柬埔寨的台灣人而登
              的問題:在哪些情況下,中間人必須為兩方                              上頭條。
              自願進行的交易負一部分的責任?                                       在反詐騙事件上,柬埔寨顯然比印
                                                               度 更 不 願 意 讓 外 國 插 手 。 今 年7 月 , 美 國
              科技難以解決的部分                                        國 務 院 的 《2 0 2 2 年 人 口 販 運 年 度報 告 》

                                                               (Trafficking  in  Persons  Report)將柬埔
                  不過亞洲的華語區,倒是出現了另一種完                           寨降至評分最低的第三級(T i e r  3)國家之
              全不同的詐騙模式:讓受害者來幫忙詐騙。                              列。該報告表示「該國政府沒有幫海內外的
              柬埔寨的人口販子,從附近的鄰國以及台灣                              受害者提供足夠的保護,而且嚴重仰賴國
              這些更遠的國家騙來很多居民,一邊充當奴                              外捐款和N G O。」柬埔寨之前是中國投資的
              隸,一邊要求他們幫忙詐騙其他人。在這類                              主要目標,也是中國洗錢的重要管道,但在
              案件上,YouTube網紅也在一些政府無能為力                          COVID-19疫情之後與中國的交流變得困難,
              的案件上立下功勞,例如「好棒Bump」最近                            華語勞工大量短缺。

              police in India said, “Tips are welcome, but those   device and any such transactions are not due to
              who give them become informers, not victims.”    an issue with AnyDesk’s application.” This indeed
              Thus, the scambaiter model cannot substitute for   points to a larger question: when are intermediaries
              traditional  law enforcement.  The FBI has also   responsible for a voluntary transaction between two
              made some progress working through traditional   individuals?
              international channels; just this month, several
              more call centers were raided.                   Psychological hacking

                  Nevertheless, it may also be worthwhile
              to enlarge the range of targets. Authorities and      In Chinese-speaking Asia, meanwhile, a different
              vigilantes alike can work with various platforms   scam model has emerged. In this case, the scammers
              to identify suspicious websites, IP addresses,   themselves are also victims. Cambodia is trafficking
              user profiles, and  software. In particular,     residents of many its neighboring countries, as
              some have called for stronger warnings when      well as from more distant sources like  Taiwan,
              downloading remote access tools, given that      to serve as slave labor to scam secondary
              such  software  has  the capability to override a   victims overseas. In this case as well, YouTube
              variety of other user login protections.         vigilantes  have  made some headway  where

                  Oldrich  Müller,  Chief  Operating  Officer  of   governments have failed. “好棒Bump” made
              AnyDesk, however has noted, “Such fraud is only   headlines recently be r escuing sever al
              possible if the user grants someone access to their   Taiwanese trapped working in call centers.

         70   台灣銀行家2022.10月號

   1                  5%     JOEE
   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75