Page 67 - NO.154銀行家雜誌
P. 67



              成功防止詐騙  需要整個社會攜手合作

                  有一個叫做A n y D e s k的遠端控制軟體,
              可以用來遙控I T工作,以及從同一個位址                             技人才多,而且疫情發生後經濟嚴重受創,因此詐騙技法層出不窮。
              操作好幾台「無周邊伺服器」(H e a d l e s s
              s e r v e r s)。這種軟體後來也深受騙子喜                           一旦拿到權限,問題就麻煩了。最常見的
              愛,他們一旦騙到受害人的信任,第一件                               做法就是叫受害者去登入網路銀行,雖然目前
              事經常就是叫受害人下載A n y D e s k之類的軟                     銀行都已經把這類直接從遠端遙控的轉帳視
              體,並給騙子存取權限。                                      為詐欺,但騙子還是可以看到受害者的財務

              (and  the  term) originally emerged around the   working with under-resourced and sometimes
              time of the “Nigerian prince” scams, in the early   uncooperative local police in countries at the

              2000s, with the main aims of entertainment and   periphery of the international financial system.
              humiliation. Due to the state of technology at
              the time, it was difficult to do much more.      A whole-of-society effort
                  The more recent wave of scams has been
              enabled by the increased ease of sending              AnyDesk  is  a remote desktop program,
              money around the world, as well as greater       a type of software often used for remote IT
              interconnectedness in general. Some of these     support, as well as management of “headless”
              same internet technologies are however also      servers from a single central location. In the
              enabling a more professional generation of       fast-growing category of remote access scams,

              scambaiters to strike back, in some cases        once the scammer establishes cooperation with
              substantially disrupting overseas operations –   the victim, their first instruction is to download
              particularly in India.  They reveal a model for   AnyDesk or a similar program to give them

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2022.10月號 67

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