Page 77 - NO.149銀行家雜誌
P. 77

香港特首林鄭月娥在3月下旬也承認「人才流失                                 當然,許多外籍人士也像本文採訪的人
              是不爭的事實,許多企業的高階主管已經離開                             一樣,還不願意完全切斷與香港的聯繫。台

              香港」。                                             灣如果想在這波浪潮中吸引到人才,就得幫
                  最近幾位英國法官辭職(但前述的高浩文                           助願意來台的人找到在台生活的方法。另
              法官目前仍在香港),似乎也預示著香港正在                             外,在中國工作的外籍人 士 其 實 比 在 港 工
              走往這個方向。這些「法律金絲雀」是英國政                             作的人數更多,背景也更豐富,但是在港
              府在1997年主權移交時正式批准的,目的是用                           工作的外籍人士依然能提供有用的經驗。
              來即時警告香港司法系統的安全性。之前的司                             台灣必須用國際競爭的層次,來思考如何
              法獨立,讓香港的審判具有國際公信力,就                              招募外籍人才,更不能放過中國目前把疫
              連總部設在其他地方的企業,都會在合約中                              情政治化,造成人才出逃的天賜良機。
              把審判管轄法院訂在香港。但這項優勢如今                              (本文作者為台灣金融研訓院特聘外籍研究

              已成昨日黃花。                                          員;譯者為劉維人)

              near their investment projects. People with these   agreement, and they meant to serve as ‘canaries’
              skills may have moved between Hong Kong          to warn of the overall state of the legal system.
              and the  mainland  in  the  past,  and  may  now  be   This independence previously allowed Hong Kong
              interested in working in Taiwan, but they need a   to serve as a jurisdiction for contract adjudication,
              way of getting here.                             even for business based elsewhere – an advantage

                                                               now mostly lost. (Judge Coleman, mentioned
              Having second thoughts                           above, remains for now.)
                                                                    Despite everything, like those interviewed
                   Hong Kong itself, meanwhile, which already   for this article, many expats are unwilling to
              faced an “acute talent shortage in 2022” according   cut their ties completely with the city.  Taiwan
              to a January S&P Global report, is now having    needs to make sure that those who want to
              even greater difficulty finding people. “It’s an   live here are able to find a way to do so. At the
              unarguable fact that we have a brain drain and   same time, the much larger pool of expats in the
              some senior management of some corporates have   mainland have much more varied backgrounds,

              left Hong Kong,” said Hong Kong Chief Executive   but those who have worked in Hong Kong as
              Carrie Lam in late March.                        well could provide useful experience.  Taiwan
                   In a sign of its future development direction,   needs to approach talent recruitment strategy
              several British judges recently resigned. Their   as a competition with other countries in the
              appointments were officially sanctioned by the   region, and also to capitalize on the mistakes
              UK government as part of the 1997 handover       China is making by politicizing the pandemic.

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2022.5月號 77

   1          5%     JOEE
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