Page 72 - NO.149銀行家雜誌
P. 72

               Special Report





                                                                                      撰文:David Stinson孫維德

            「       港特區政府應對 COVID-19 的許多決定與                    去應對那些看似緊急的瑣事,無法主動規劃

              香 宣布,可以說相當欠缺邏輯和常識;此                              真正重要的事情。這些決策完全沒有長期的
              外也充斥著各種矛盾、欠缺同理心、不理解                              戰略規劃,沒有緊急應變的能力,也沒有進
              人類社會的運作模式、脫離當地人員與商業                              行清楚的公共溝通,有時候甚至跟它們所持的
              的現實,而且一天到晚分心,把大量心力拿                              『科學』理由明顯衝突。」

              The Next Wave of Financial Sector Immigrants

              May Speak Fluent Chinese

              Taiwan needs to make sure that those who want to live here are able to find a way to do so. Taiwan needs
              to approach talent recruitment strategy as a competition with other countries in the region, and also to
              capitalize on the mistakes China is making by politicizing the pandemic.

                  here may well be room for people to say that a   on distractions, hence being reactive to what seems

              Tnumber of decisions and announcements made      urgent at the expense being proactive to what is
              by the HKSAR Government relating to the COVID-   important; blind to the need for a coherent longer-term
              19 pandemic have seemed to be: lacking in logic or   strategy and contingency planning and the clear public
              common sense; riddled with inconsistencies; short   communication of it; and sometimes even apparently
              on empathy and human understanding; detached     contrary to the very ‘science’ which is invoked to justify
              from local personal and business realities; focused   them.”

         72   台灣銀行家2022.5月號

   1          5%     JOEE
   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77