Page 76 - NO.149銀行家雜誌
P. 76

               Special Report

              界有很多外國人都願意用更低的薪水來台                               且並不打算一輩子待在那裡。這些人在金
              工作,但台灣的移民政策似乎並沒有將他                               融界所做的工作,大都是私募基金跟創業

              們納入考量。                                           投資,這些領域通常離他們的投資標的比
                  此 外 , 語 言 也是個問題。若要在台灣的                       較近。從事相關工作的專家,之前可能都
              銀行工作,通常得說一口流利的中文。如果                              在中國與香港之間來回移動,而現在可能
              下一波來台的移民曾經在中國工作,中文的                              想要前往台灣,但他們需要一條管道。
              作經驗。這些人可能會為台灣的銀行加分,                              ̨ᝄცࠅࠠอܠϽɛʑם෍኷ଫ
                  在中國,甚至在香港工作的商人,通                                  在此同時,標普全球(S&P  Global)1月
              常都必須精通中文。此外,很多在國外出                               份的報告顯示,香港已經越來越難招募到人

              生的華裔也都以外國人身分進入中國,而                               才,「2022年已經面臨嚴重的人才短缺」。

              through third parties – but it could also work to   financial sector will be willing to take a pay cut to
              promote itself in Hong Kong.”                    live in Taiwan, but these do not appear to be the
                  At present, Taiwan offers a more pleasant    targets of current immigration efforts.
              living environment than either Hong Kong or          In this case, language was also an issue.
              Singapore can offer, but few job opportunities for   Local  banks also  usually  require  their hires

              foreigners with financial qualifications. Another   to speak fluent Chinese. If the next wave of
              professional who previously worked as a bank     immigrants indeed has more mainland China
              compliance manager in Hong Kong returned there   experience, they will speak better Chinese, but
              after being unable to find a job in Taiwan for almost   have less formal finance industry experience. They
              a year. Local banks are reticent to hire foreigners,   may make good additions to domestic banks, but
              perhaps for cultural reasons – even though in some   more flexibility will be required than in the past.
              cases such cultural issues are in fact precisely     Most businesspeople working in mainland
              where they need to improve.                      China, and to a certain extent even Hong Kong
                  This banker also pointed to strategic planning   these days, must speak and read proficient

              as an issue. “The sector-based requirements      Chinese. There is a large population of foreign-
              for the Gold Card program are quite specific,”   born Chinese who have entered China as
              referring to the 2018 initiative to attract high-end   foreigners, and do not plan to spend the rest of
              talent in various areas. “The people they attract   their lives there. In finance, this group largely
              are very, very senior, and they will ask for salaries   works in the private equity and venture capital
              of perhaps NT$ 10 million.” Many foreigners in the   segments, which frequently prefer to be located

         76   台灣銀行家2022.5月號

   1          5%     JOEE
   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81