Page 75 - NO.149銀行家雜誌
P. 75

有些外國人可能會轉向台灣,但無論原本                           也提到,新加坡與東京的對沖基金都已經在吸
              是在香港還是中國,來台工作都得做出調整。                             引香港的人才。「政治因素可能會讓台灣必須

              台灣的法律與監理方式經常是以「白名單」方                             保持低調,也許得透過第三方出面,但還是可
              式列出哪些活動可以進行,而非以「黑名單」                             以讓香港人知道台灣有這樣的意願。」
              的方式指出哪些不能進行,這點與香港、新加                                  目前台灣的生活環境比香港和新加坡都
              坡這些傳統金融中心截然不同。如果台灣想藉                             好,但外國的金融人才很難找到工作。另一位
              此機會,從香港與中國吸引大量移民,就得制                             曾在香港擔任銀行法規經理的專業人士,來台
              定策略讓金融業的特定部門具備足夠吸引力。                             之後失業了將近一年,最後只好返回香港。台
              वИॆ͍ცࠅٙɛʑ                                        國人,但有些時候這種企業文化就是它們亟需

                  這不能只靠員工,雇主也必須做出改變。                                此外,前述受訪的銀行業人士還認為,台
              一位從香港移民到台灣的前基金經理(他將來                             灣的整體人才戰略也有問題。他談到2018年推
              可能會回到香港,因此要求匿名)表示:「光                             出的就業金卡計畫,「它所列出的條件非常特
              是吸引個人的效果不夠,那樣你只能搶到創業                             殊,都只想找非常資深的專家,但這些人開
              家跟自由工作者,搶不到整個產業。」此外他                             出的年薪可能高達新台幣1,000萬元。」金融

              certainly be a new exodus of foreigners remaining   industry sub-sectors if it is to attract a significant

              in China, particularly those in more senior roles   portion of Hong Kong and China emigrants.
              with children. Many had been holding on for the
              past two years, aware that leaving the country   Market segmentation
              once could jeopardize their entire China career if
              they were then unable to re-enter the country. A      This must include efforts to target employers,
              significant number will now be ready to make the   not just employees. “There are finite returns to
              leap.                                            just attracting individuals,” said one former fund
                  To make  it in  Taiwan,  those  coming from   manager who previously migrated from Hong Kong
              both Hong Kong and mainland China frequently     to Taiwan, who requested anonymity due to the

              need to adjust their career plans. Taiwan’s legal   possibility of returning in the future. “This only gets
              and regulatory approach, which tends to take a   you entrepreneurs and freelancers, not industries.”
              ‘whitelist’ approach to allowed activities, is very   Meanwhile, he also mentioned that Singapore and
              different from the traditional financial hubs like   Tokyo are marketing themselves in Hong Kong to
              Hong Kong and Singapore.  Taiwan will need       hedge funds. “For political reasons, Taiwan would
              a specific strategy to promote itself to certain   need to be more low-key about it – perhaps acting

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2022.5月號 75

   1          5%     JOEE
   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80