Page 73 - NO.149銀行家雜誌
P. 73


                  前述這段話並非來自社運人士,而是香                            醫院裡擠滿無症狀患者,真正需要立即處理的
              港高等法院法官高浩文(Russell  Coleman)                     案例無法好好照顧。而且也沒有讓香港人接種
              在3月30日處理疫苗授權案件時的發言。香港                            夠多疫苗,年長者的接種率更是不足。
              在Omicron入侵之後,採取了一連串非常擾民                               會出現這些亂象,原因很明顯都跟政治
              的荒謬防疫措施,例如禁止了好幾個國際航                              有關。在香港眼中,對中國開放早已比對國
              班,但當地依然有上千名社區感染;或者明知                             際開放更為重要,而且北京當局強調,即使

              道從2021年以來,遊樂場接觸傳染的能力並不                           病例會因此增加,香港也得繼續這麼做。2月
              高,依然下令關閉;甚至撲殺了大約2,000隻                           7日的《人民日報》刊了一篇文章:〈「動
              寵物倉鼠。                                            態清零」是香港抗疫的科學選擇〉,但高
                  更慘的是,香港的醫療照護也做得很糟。                           浩文法官在裁決中表示,「決定政策從清

                  This  is not the opinion of an activist, but   asymptomatic cases, even though more urgent
              rather of Hong Kong High Court Judge Russell     cases needed care. It also inexplicably failed to
              Coleman in a March 30 case over vaccine          vaccinate its population, especially its seniors.
              mandates. In the face of the Omicron wave, Hong      The causes are quite clearly political. Hong
              Kong implemented a number of nonsensical         Kong has been placing much higher priority on
              and highly intrusive anti-pandemic measures. It   opening with mainland China than internationally,
              banned airlines over a few internationally imported   and Beijing stressed that it must continue doing
              cases, even with thousands of ongoing local      so even as cases started to rise. On February 7,

              transmissions. It shut down playgrounds, even as   the People’s Daily ran an article titled ‘”Dynamic
              fomite transmission has been known since around   COVID Zero” is the Scientific Anti-Pandemic
              2021 to be a relatively minor factor. It even culled   Choice for Hong Kong. ’ In his  ruling,  Judge
              around 2,000 pet hamsters.                       Coleman retorted that ‘the person in charge of
                  More seriously, it also failed to prepare    implementing the shift in policy [from  “zero  COVID”
              a health response. Hospitals filled up with      to “dynamic zero COVID”] could not give a clear

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2022.5月號 73

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