Page 43 - NO.147銀行家雜誌
P. 43

會主義精神。他真心相信過去的左派思想,                              阿里巴巴無法真正產出任何價值。
              並對資本主義近20年來在中國的侵門踏戶,                                  這項政策最明顯的證據,就是習近平上
              嗤之以鼻。                                            台之後,北京就開始大力支持半導體產業。
                  習近平試圖用打壓私人企業的方式來緩                            習近平希望中國可以自己生產晶片,願意不
              解中國的不平等,並高喊著「共同富裕」這                              惜一切代價去實現這個夢想。到目前為止,

              種口號。這句話不僅一聽就很毛澤東,而且                              中國已經設立兩個龐大的國家基金來支援半
              偉大舵手在1950年代真的這麼說過;後來鄧                            導體業,其中一個在2014年大約募集了220
              小平在1980年代又說了一次,不過當然沒有                            億美元,另一個在2019年吸引了290億美
              他那句「讓一部分人先富起來」那麼有名。                              元;除此之外,中國的地方政府也設立了15
                  另一方面,習近平也希望資本能夠集中                            個半導體基金,募資總額達250億美元;它還
              到那些國家領導的產業。他認為,中國的旗                              設立了一個「中國的納斯達克」,也就是上
              艦企業不該是阿里巴巴這種網路公司,而是                              海證券交易所科創板,目前已有40家晶片廠
              能讓中國在A I、量子電腦、環保汽機車這類                            公開上市,IPO募資金額合計256億美元。
              產業獨占鰲頭的高科技製造業。在他看來,                                   半導體業需要大量資本,所以重金投資

              worth billions of dollars, at the top of their respective   the 1980s, though he is much better known for saying,
              fields in China, and influential in Chinese society.   “Let some get rich first.”
                  In that sense, they represent a threat to the    At the same time, Xi aims to channel more

              more-assertive Communist Party that Xi Jinping   capital into state-led industrial policy initiatives. His
              leads. Xi is China’s most powerful leader since   idea of a national champion is not an internet company
              Chairman Mao Zedong and is determined to use his   like Alibaba, which he sees as producing nothing of
              vast political capital to strengthen the party’s control   real value, but high-tech manufacturers that can help
              of the Chinese economy. Xi does not want to revert   China become a leader in next-generation industries
              to Mao’s command economy but does aim to channel   such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing and
              some of the former chairman’s socialist spirit. Xi is a   new-energy vehicles.
              true believer in those leftist ideas and frowns upon the   Beijing’s massive support for the semiconductor
              capitalist excess that came to characterize China in   sector since Xi came to power is a case in point. Xi

              the past two decades.                            wants China to achieve self-sufficiency in chipmaking
                  Xi’s slogan for this campaign to reduce inequality   and is sparing no expense to turn his vision into reality.
              by humbling the private sector, “common prosperity,”   China has created two enormous national funds to
              sounds like something Mao might have thought up.   support its chipmaking ambitions thus far, one in 2014
              Sure enough, the Great Helmsman first mentioned the   that raised about US$22 billion and a second in 2019
              term in the 1950s. Deng Xiaoping later revived it in   that attracted US$29 billion. At the local level, 15

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2022.3月號 4343

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