Page 47 - NO.147銀行家雜誌
P. 47


              收緊了網路監理力道,並將執法大刀揮向中                              法》(P I P L)於2021年11月1日生效,雖
              國科技巨頭,震驚了許多外國觀察人士。與                              然這條法案在許多方面都參照了歐盟《一般
              此同時,《中華人民共和國個人信息保護                               資料保護規範》(GDPR),但中國政府的執

              Jinping has put at the top of the agenda the quest for   as a shock to non-Chinese observers. Along those
              common prosperity. Below I will be reviewing three major   lines, the Chinese Personal Information Protection
              issues related to China’s regulatory crackdown and how it   Law (PIPL) came into force on 1 November 2021 with
              may be related to increasing the power of the state in the   some input from the EU’s General Data Protection
              economy.                                         Regulation (GDPR) playbook but with more leeway
                                                               when it comes to the government’s enforcement
              The tech sector and data issues                  ability. Finally, the forthcoming Internet Information
                                                               Service Algorithmic Recommendation Management

                  The Chinese tech sector has gone through a   Provisions regulation will attempt to address concerns
              number of regulatory changes, many of which related   that plague tech regulators around the  world:
              to data ownership. The fact that Chinese government   disinformation, nudging and algorithmic manipulation,
              has clearly ramped up regulation in the digital space   online user addiction and price discrimination. What
              and is brandishing its enforcement stick against   is clear, though, is that the state will have much more
              Chinese technological champions has thus come    control on data and tech companies and that the

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2022.3月號 47

   1                  5%     JOEE
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