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              法權卻比歐盟大很多。此外,中國即將推行                              們原本以為這只是因為螞蟻集團不遵守更
              《互聯網信息服務算法推薦管理規定》,解                              嚴格的貸款監理規定,但很快就發現,中
              決世界各國監理機關都很頭痛的假訊息、操                              國 在 更 早 之 前 就 已經在其他地 方推行反壟
              弄 、 演 算 法 操 縱、網路成癮和價格歧視等                         斷政策。從迄今為止的反壟斷案件中可以窺
              問題。目前還不知這些方案的成效如何,                               見 , 中 國 當 局 之 所以會加強部署反壟斷措

              但是已經可以確定,這會讓政府更能控制                               施有幾個原因。首先最明顯的,就 是 因 為
              資料和科技公司。也就 是 說 , 這 些 由 監 理                       中國企業規模不斷擴大,開始在關鍵產業形
              機關自上而下制定的規則,可能會影響線上                              成寡頭壟斷,例如金融科技和電子商務,所
              的使用者體驗。                                          以,近年來政府開始處理。有趣的是,明明
              以反壟斷力量加強控制關鍵私人企業                                 例如能源業和運輸業,卻沒有受政府的反壟
                  螞蟻金服本該是有 史 以 來 規 模 最 大 的                          另一個好例子是資訊與通訊科技業,
              IPO,2020年11月卻突然被取消,中國反壟                          這些產業目前由少數企業主導,例如中興通

              斷政策頓時成了國內和全球的注目焦點。人                              訊、華為,和最近在硬體方面表現亮眼的小

              path forward is unchartered territory. In other words,   antitrust cases so far, one can think of several reasons
              it is unclear whether the top-down rules defined by   why the Chinese authorities may be stepping up and
              regulatory authorities are compatible with a smooth   deploying their arsenal of antitrust measures. The first,

              online experience.                               and more obvious, reason is the increasing size of
                                                               Chinese companies and their oligopolistic behavior in
              Antitrust forces                                 key sectors. These sectors, fintech and e-commerce, have
                                                               been the target of recent antitrust measures. Interestingly,
                  When Ant Financial’s initial public offering,   oligopolistic practices can also be found in old sectors
              which should have been the biggest listing of all time,   dominated by state-owned enterprises such as energy and
              was suddenly cancelled in November 2020, China’s   even the transport sector, although they have remained
              antitrust policies became (and have remained) a huge   largely unscathed by the government’s antitrust push.
              topic of discussion both in China and globally. While   Another good example is the ICT industry,

              initially deemed an isolated case due to the company’s   where very few players, such as ZTE and Huawei
              refusal to accept a tougher regulatory environment   and more recently Xiaomi in the hardware space,
              for lending practices, it quickly became apparent that   dominate the scene. Similarly, China Mobile and China
              China’s antitrust policies were much broader and   Unicom dominate the telecom sector, in which foreign
              had started much earlier. Looking at the spectrum of   participation remains capped even after China’s

         48   台灣銀行家2022.3月號                                                            今卻是得不償失,付出更巨額的

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