Page 46 - NO.147銀行家雜誌
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                                                                                      撰文:Alicia Garcia Herrero

                    一年多來,中國政府一直在進行大規模                          國監理整頓的三大面向,以及中國政府如何藉
              這 的監理整頓(Regulatory  Crackdown),                  此擴大對經濟的掌控力。

              到了補教業。同時,中國亦針對房地產業設                              科技業和資料問題
              壟斷政策。此外,國家主席習近平將「共同                                   中國科技業歷經了一連串的監理改革,
              富裕」立為首要任務。以下我將回顧有關中                              其中許多都涉及資料所有權。中國政府明顯

              China’s Regulatory Crackdown should be read as

              the state taking control of the economy

              Chinese policy makers have been engaged in a massive regulatory crackdown for over
              a year. A number of sectors have been affected, starting with the tech sector, followed
              by the education sector. At the same time the real estate sector has also been severely
              affected by a specific regulatory crackdown (the three red lines) and a more general
              antitrust push has also taken place. The ongoing regulatory crackdown in China is
              indeed becoming central in the government’s policies and certainly to President Xi’s
              vision of China’s new step into a socialist economy with Chinese characteristics.

                  hinese policy makers have been engaged in a   the same time the real estate sector has also been
              Cmassive regulatory crackdown for over a year.   severely affected by a specific regulatory crackdown
              A number of sectors have been affected, starting with   (the three red lines) and a more general antitrust
              the tech sector, followed by the education sector. At   push has also taken place. In addition, President Xi

         46   台灣銀行家2022.3月號

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