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              方的崛起,還是薇婭這種網購名人的暴紅,                                   也就是說,這些企業與個人對中共造成
              都不是靠著中國政府的支持,而是因為符合                              了威脅。如今的中共變得更為獨斷,因為繼
              了市場需求。這些個人和企業分別以自己的                              毛澤東之後,最有權力的領導人習近平,堅
              方式,代表了中國數位經濟形形色色的活                               持用強大的政治資本,強化共產黨對中國經
              力。在這波打壓之前,他們都在各自的產業                              濟的控制。習近平無意走回毛澤東的計畫經
              名列前茅,身價高達數十億美元。                                  濟,但還是希望能夠復興毛澤東一部分的社

                  Other companies lacking New Oriental’s       account. "I thoroughly accept the punishment made by
              resources went out of business. According to Chinese   the tax authorities."
              research firm 100EC, 25 large online education firms

              shut down following the announcement of the new   Scoring an own goal
              regulations. Among them were Juren Education, one
              of China's oldest tutoring companies, and Wall Street   The companies and individuals targeted by the
              English, a major global English learning center.   Chinese Communist Party in the crackdown have
                  Next up on the chopping block was live-      a few things in common. One, they are usually in
              streaming, a key sales channel for many consumer   sectors that have evolved with little involvement
              brands in China, Chinese and foreign alike. In   by the party. To be sure, anyone who wants to
              December, Beijing abruptly shut down the e-commerce   succeed on a large scale in China needs the right
              and social media accounts of Viya, known in China   government connections, but it was not the state

              as “the queen of live-streaming” with 100 million   that was responsible for the rise of companies like
              followers. She is accused of tax evasion and has been   Alibaba, Didi Chuxing and New Oriental or a live-
              fined US$200 million.                            streaming star like Viya. Rather, they arose in
                  The extent of Viya’s alleged tax evasion is   response to market needs. They are, in different
              unclear. "I'm deeply sorry about my violations of the   ways, representative of China’s diverse and dynamic
              tax laws and regulations," she said on her Weibo   digital economy. Before the crackdown, they were

         42   台灣銀行家2022.3月號2022.3月號
         42 台灣銀行家

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