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                                                                                     撰文:Matthew Fulco傅長壽

                    國網路企業的優勢,在短短兩年前似乎                          了昭告所有私營企業都要服從黨的指導,決
              中 還 無人 能及,這 些企 業在中國 勢不 可                         定讓全中國最大膽的企業家馬雲下台。
              擋,手握大筆資金,不斷各地擴張。阿里巴                                   直到現在,還沒有人知道阿里巴巴能不

              巴旗下的金融科技公司―― 螞蟻集團,就在新加                           能從這波打擊中恢復。它的市值在過去一年
              坡申請了純網銀執照,該公司在各國大量投                              內下跌53%,螞蟻集團也被迫重組,盈利能力
              資電子錢包服務,打算建造一個全亞太的數                              勢必降低。
              位支付生態系。                                               而且在那之後,螞蟻集團的壓力並沒有
                  但過不久,拿到純網銀執照的螞蟻集                             消失。根據英國《金融時報》2022年1月的報
              團,卻在自己家遇上政治問題。北京當局為                              導,中國中央電視台一部紀錄片指出,螞蟻

              China’s private sector may never be the same

              Beijing has gone too far in its crackdown on private enterprise, auguring poorly for the
              country’s ability to cultivate competitive companies.

                 ust two years ago, China’s leading internet   regional digital payments ecosystem.
              Jcompanies seemed unassailable. Dominant in          Not anymore. Ant won the license, but is mired
              China and flush with cash, they were busy expanding   in political trouble back home in China. As Beijing
              regionally. Ant Group, the financial technology   reasserts the ruling Communist Party’s paramountcy

              subsidiary of Alibaba, applied for a digital bank license   in the private sector, it is determined to humble the
              in Singapore. With its many investments in e-wallets   country’s most audacious entrepreneur, Alibaba
              across the region, Ant was poised to develop a   founder Jack Ma.

         38   台灣銀行家2022.3月號

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