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              (Transparency  International)的評分,新               行,則是因為無視監理機構的意見,決定在
              加坡的清廉指數是85,為亞洲之冠,全球第                             紐約證交所上市,而慘遭開鍘。
              四;至於中國的清廉指數則只有45。                                     但最近許多企業之所以受害,卻都僅
                  國際透明組織在最近一份年度報告中指                            僅只是在錯誤的時間出現在錯誤的地方,比
              出,習近平過去10年高調反貪腐,「但中國                             如補習班就是典型例子。由於中國人重視教

              的貪腐出現了新形式,例如官商勾結。如今                              育,補習市場需求強勁,企業自然蓬勃發
              中國高官會利用權力,把過去的國有資產分                              展。在2021年中,大約90%的家庭有支付課
              配給自己,或者分配給那些有政治門路的企                              外輔導費用,該行業全國總產值大約1,500億
              業。此外,中國無視人權、無視基本自由的                              美元。
              作風,注定讓反貪腐事倍功半。」                                       2021年7月,中國國務院發布新規定,禁
              打擊目標越來越廣  企業受害倒閉                                 機構向外融資。此外,今後將不再頒發新的
                  在螞蟻集團暫緩I P O的16個月後,中國                        都改為非營利組織。

              已經從原本打擊科技巨頭,擴大到對其他各                                   目前還不確定中共為何要打壓補教業,
              種私人公司動刀。螞蟻集團具備壟斷特質,                              當局的說法是要降低學生的壓力,創造更平
              馬雲又常口不擇言,會被習近平旗下的監理                              等的學習環境;但也有人懷疑是因為補教業
              機構盯上並不意外;而線上叫車巨頭滴滴出                              的力量,已經大到讓北京不開心。

              ranked as the least corrupt country in Asia and fourth   A widening crackdown
              least in the world by the global anti-graft movement

              Transparency International. In contrast, China receives   More than 16 months after Ant’s IPO was put on
              a score of just 45.                              ice, China’s crackdown on Big Tech has transformed
                  In its latest annual report,  Transparency   into a full-on assault on the country’s dynamic
              International notes that Xi has carried on a high-  private sector. Ant’s monopolistic practices and the
              profile anti-corruption campaign over the past decade.   outspoken nature of Jack Ma made the company
              “However, new forms of corruption have started to   an easy target for disgruntled regulators eager
              emerge, including collusion, where high-level officials   to implement Xi Jinping’s agenda. Similarly, ride-
              use their powers to redistribute formerly state-owned   hailing giant Didi Chuxing’s decision to list on the
              assets to themselves and politically-connected firms.   New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) against regulators’

              Furthermore, China’s anti-corruption strategy is   wishes invited retribution.
              inherently limited by the country’s disregard for human   Yet more recent crackdown victims were not
              rights and fundamental freedoms,” the report says.   obvious targets. Rather, they were in the wrong place

         40   台灣銀行家2022.3月號                                                            今卻是得不償失,付出更巨額的

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