Page 39 - NO.147銀行家雜誌
P. 39


              集團支付了「高得不合理的金額」給總部杭                              動支付公司唯一獲得的外部投資,就來自螞
              州前市委書記的弟弟,藉此讓市政府協助螞                              蟻集團。

              蟻集團以政策折扣價購買房產。根據《金融                                   政治鬥爭的陰影,讓螞蟻集團在新加
              時報》引述的公開紀錄,螞蟻集團的一個部                              坡這種競爭激烈的國際金融中心不斷碰壁。
              門,在2019年購買了這位市委書記弟弟的兩                            中國因為政治原因(據報導是習近平主席直
              家行動支付公司股份,之後在杭州以低價買                              接下令)突然取消了螞蟻集團的首次公開發
              到兩塊土地。該記錄片並沒有直接寫出螞蟻                              行(I P O),但新加坡這種法治國家不可能
              集團的名字,但查一下就知道,其中一家行                              做這種事情。根據反貪腐N G O國際透明組織

                  Whether the company can recover is uncertain.   FT said that an Ant unit in 2019 bought two plots of

              Over the past year, Alibaba has lost 53% of its market   discounted land in Hangzhou after purchasing stakes
              capitalization while Ant is being forced to restructure in   in two mobile payment companies that the party chief’s
              manner that will reduce its profitability.       younger brother owned. Though the documentary
                  The pressure has not let up on Ant. In a January   did not explicitly name Ant, it was the only corporate
              report, The Financial Times noted that a recent   investor in one of the payments businesses.
              documentary on state-run China Central Television     Dogged by murky political travails, Ant will
              alleged that private firms made “unreasonably    struggle to compete in an international financial
              high payments” to the brother of the former party   center like Singapore. A stunt like the abrupt nixing of
              secretary of Hangzhou, where Ant is headquartered.   Ant’s IPO for political reasons – reportedly personally

              In exchange, the local government offered policy   ordered by Chinese leader Xi Jinping – would never
              incentives and helped the companies buy real estate,   happen in the city-state, which thrives on its rule-of-
              the documentary said. Citing public records, the   law tradition. With an overall score of 85, Singapore is

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2022.3月號 39

   1                  5%     JOEE
   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44