Page 49 - NO.147銀行家雜誌
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              米。中國的電信業也由中國移動和中國聯通                              有在這個產業推行反壟斷措施。這些資訊告
              主導,雖然中國政府近年來以修訂外商投資                              訴我們,其實中國政府決定加強反壟斷措

              法之類的方式降低了外商參與的門檻,但外                              施,有可能是為了加強控制主導新市場的關
              商的參與幅度依然高度受限,而且中國也沒                              鍵私人企業,尤其是金融科技和網路業。中

              renewed liberalization measures like the foreign   reality is President Xi’s push for better income
              investment law, where no antitrust measures have   distribution through the achievement of so called
              been announced so far. Against this backdrop, a more   ‘Common Prosperity’. In the crackdown on the

              subtle – but possibly relevant – explanation of Chinese   education sector, the link with ‘common prosperity’
              policy makers’ decision to step up antitrust measures   is quite obvious. In fact, access to private education
              is to increase state control over key private actors   is one of the main reasons for worsening income
              dominating new markets, especially in the fintech and   inequality, especially among young people. The
              digital space. Chinese leaders could consider this all   third crackdown is in the real estate sector, which is
              the more necessary given these sectors’ economies of   possibly the most important contributor to worsening
              scale and network externalities but, most importantly,   income inequality due to the rapid growth in
              the data which can be accumulated about consumer   house prices sustained over many years. Housing
              preferences and beyond.                          affordability has continued to worsen and access to

                                                               housing, or the lack thereof, has long been a key
              Common  prosperity  as  an  additional           factor in explaining income disparity. The unrelenting
              reason for the regulatory crackdown              increase in housing prices stems from the lack of
                                                               investment opportunities for Chinese households in
                  One of the key traits of China’s post pandemic   a financial system with little choice and no access

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2022.3月號 49

   1                  5%     JOEE
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