Page 33 - NO.146銀行家雜誌
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              向南韓學習                                            緩慢。然而,南韓的金融監理機關認為,純
                  台灣可以從南韓的幾個重要領域獲得不                            需求,是金融產業中不可或缺的一環,所以
              少借鏡,數位金融服務就是其一。台韓兩國                              對純網銀的規範更加積極主動。
              的金融業都很保守,對數位化的接受度發展                                   目前南韓三大純網銀Kakao  Bank、K  bank

              Taiwan too, with Samsung accounting for about ¼ of   commentary.

              smartphone sales here.                               One potential area of cooperation is the
                  At the same time, Taiwan and South Korea are   automotive  chip segment in  which  Taiwan
              one another’s fifth-largest trading partners and bilateral   Semiconductor Manufacturing Co.  (TSMC)  is
              trade reached an all-time high of US$35.74 billion last   dominant. Facing a chip shortage that was hitting
              year. Semiconductors account for a key part of two-way   Korean carmakers Hyundai and Kia hard, Seoul sent
              trade. Although Taiwan and South Korea have historically   a delegation early last year to meet with Taiwan’s
              competed more than cooperated in this sector, that may   Minister of Economic Affairs to request assistance.
              change as the US looks to build clean semiconductor   South Korea relies largely on automotive chip imports,
              supply chains – free of China-made components – with   producing just 2.2% of the global supply itself,

              its democratic partners in Asia.                 according to Taiwan’s Central News Agency (CNA).
                  “Taiwan and South Korea are under geopolitical
              pressure, and they have shown the Biden          Learning from South Korea
              administration they are on the U.S. side,” noted
              Colley Hwang, president of DIGITIMES Asia and a       Taiwan can also learn from South Korea in
              veteran tech industry analyst, in a September 2021   several important areas. One is digital financial

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2022.2月號 33

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