Page 30 - NO.146銀行家雜誌
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                Cover Story





                                                                                     撰文:Matthew Fulco傅長壽

                   2021 年 6 月 6 日,美國參議員代表團抵                    台灣降落。參議員乘坐的是美國空軍C-17戰
              於 達台北松山機場,宣布捐贈台灣 75 萬劑                           略運輸機(C-17  Globemaster  III),從距
              COVID-19 疫苗。這次訪台主要是表達華府會在台                       離首爾約65公里的烏山空軍基地(Osan  Air

              灣有需要的時候伸出援手。當時台灣正深陷疫情                            Base)起飛,最終降落在松山機場。
              爆發,接種人口不到 3%。                                         為了不讓南韓為難,參議員並沒有向南韓
                  不過這一趟訪台的意義遠不只疫苗外                             政府通報這次的訪台計畫。參議員譚美˙達克
              交,這也是40多年來美國軍機首次公開在                              沃絲(Tammy Duckworth)2021年11月在一場會

              Can Taiwan and South Korea develop a more

              strategic relationship?

              The answer will depend largely on Seoul’s willingness to move closer to the United
              States and away from China.

                   ne June 6, 2021, a delegation of United States   struggling to contain a COVID outbreak.
              Osenators arrived at Taipei Songshan Airport         The symbolism of the visit went beyond vaccine
              to  announce  the donation of 750,000 COVID-     diplomacy though. The senators arrived on a U.S.
              19 vaccines to Taiwan. The visit was primarily   Air Force C-17 Globemaster III freighter, a main

              intended to convey Washington’s support for      strategic lift aircraft for the American military. It was
              Taipei in its hour of need. At the time, Taiwan had   the first time in more than 40 years that a U.S. military
              vaccinated less than 3% of its population and was   aircraft openly touched down in Taiwan. The C-17

         30   台灣銀行家2022.2月號

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