Page 34 - NO.146銀行家雜誌
P. 34

                Cover Story


              及Toss  Bank發展得相當成功,深受35歲以下                       戰事,南韓在國防方面還是比台灣更具優
              年輕人的喜愛。傳統銀行為了應對競爭壓力                              勢。南韓規定所有18歲至28歲的男性必須服
              也開始跟進,準備推出自己的網路銀行。                               兵役2年;而台灣目前則採募兵制和徵兵制並
                  另一個很值得台灣參考的,就是南韓                             行,而義務役的時間也減少到只有4個月。

              的國防措施。台韓兩國各自都面臨了國安威                                   此外,雖然台灣目前帳面上有現役軍人
              脅,且都指望美國的協助,但如果真的爆發                              約為16.5萬人,另有170萬名預備役軍人,但

              services. Both countries have conservative financial   prepared than Taiwan for a worst-case scenario. It
              sectors that have been slow to embrace digitization.   maintains mandatory two-year military service for all

              However, South Korea’s financial regulators have   males aged 18-28. In Taiwan, which is transitioning
              been more proactive when it comes to digital     to an all-volunteer military, conscription has been
              banks, seeing them as a necessary addition to the   reduced to just four months.
              competitive landscape able to better meet the financial   Further, while Taiwan has 1.65 million active-
              needs of the nation’s youth than traditional lenders.  duty reservists on paper, many are unprepared to fight
                  Such thinking has borne fruit: South Korean   a war. In contrast, the South Korean reserve force is
              digital lenders like Kakao Bank, K bank and Toss Bank   3.1 million men strong and known for its formidability,
              are flourishing on the back of strong demand from   its training nearly as tough as that of regular forces.
              customers 35 and under. For their part, traditional   South Korea’s Mobilization Reserve Forces receive

              banks are responding to the competitive pressure by   regular training one day a month and an annual three-
              seeking to launch digital subsidiaries of their own.  day call up.
                  Additionally, South Korea’s military preparedness
              could be instructive for Taiwan. Both countries face   Leaning to one side
              an existential threat and count on American support
              to mitigate that threat. However, South Korea is better   For a true breakthrough to occur in Taiwan-

         34   台灣銀行家2022.2月號

   1          5%     JOEE
   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39