Page 31 - NO.146銀行家雜誌
P. 31

議中表示,「當時沒有商務航班,而拜登政府                             文在寅與拜登總統的華府會談之後表示,「我
              同意我們的意見,派了一架軍用飛機,從南韓                             們一致認為,維護台灣海峽的和平穩定至關重
              一個軍事基地將我們載去台灣」。                                  要,特別是考量到中國與台灣關係的特殊性,
                  這個事件也顯示,南韓必須採取一些行動                           我們將會在這個議題上攜手合作。」
              來兼顧各方,但勢必越來越艱難。南韓在國家                                  儘管該聲明釋出了善意,文在寅政府依然

              安全上需要仰賴美國,在商業上則是依靠中                              謹慎對待與台灣之間的官方往來。2021年12
              國,中國不僅是南韓最大的貿易夥伴,也協                              月,南韓舉辦第4次工業革命全球政策論壇,卻
              助其與北韓談判。左傾的文在寅政府非常希                              以「考量兩岸關係各層面」為由,突然取消了
              望能與北韓修好,所以一直不願做出任何可                              政務委員唐鳳原定發表線上演講的邀請。
              方的戰區高空防禦系統,即俗稱的薩德系統                              深化非官方交流
              後,南韓更是戒慎恐懼。據估計,中國的經                                   雖然南韓目前在官方往來上仍固守一個
              濟制裁造成南韓損失了75億美元(約新台幣                             中國政策,但與台灣之間在其他方面的交流

              2,120億元)。                                        依然穩步發展當中。早在疫情造成國際旅遊
                  大概是受到拜登政府一些施壓,南韓總統                           停滯之前,南韓旅遊市場在台灣就很熱絡。
              5月時同意了一份有關台灣問題的聯合聲明。                             2019年,兩國之前的旅客人數達到245萬人

              took off from Osan Air Base in South Korea, about 65   for negotiations with North Korea. The left-leaning
              kilometers from Seoul.                           Moon Jae-in administration, ever eager for a
                  To avoid putting South Korea in a difficult   rapprochement with Pyongyang, has been loath to
              situation with China, the senators did not inform South   do anything that might upset China, especially after
              Korean officials of their intention to fly to Taipei. “There   Beijing sanctioned Seoul following the latter’s decision
              were no commercial flights. The [Biden] administration   in 2016 to deploy a U.S.-made missile defense system
              agreed with us and actually sent a military aircraft,   (THAAD) that China said threatened its security
              and flew us in from a military base in South Korea to   interests. South Korea’s economic losses from the

              Taiwan,” Senator Tammy Duckworth said in November   sanctions are estimated at US$7.5 billion.
              at a conference.                                      After some likely arm twisting from the Biden
                  This incident illustrates the increasingly difficult   administration, South Korea agreed to a joint
              balancing act that South Korea must execute. Seoul   statement concerning Taiwan in May. "We've shared
              depends on the U.S. for its national security while   the view that peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait
              China is its largest trading partner and a go-between   are extremely important, and we agreed to work

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2022.2月號 31

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