Page 36 - NO.146銀行家雜誌
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                Cover Story

              毛澤東確立了「一邊倒」的外交政策,要求他                             1988年南韓歷經民主化,與生活在軍事獨裁
              的同志們完全接受蘇俄的意識型態以及物質援                             時代的老一輩相比,千禧世代更討厭中國的
              助,迴避「帝國主義」的美國。對首爾當局來                             威權政府。年輕一代都生活在民主自由的社
              說,當年在冷戰中選擇了美國,現在可能也會                             會,一些人認為中國的威權主義會威脅到他
              一樣。近年中國的威脅日甚,南韓在國家安全                             們的核心價值觀。尤其中共政府近來對香港

              方面仍須仰賴華府,所以與華府維持長遠關係                             實施嚴厲的《國安法》,再加上COVID-19疫
              將會比眼前的經濟利益來得更重要。                                 情的爆發,這種負面情緒變得更加強烈。他
                  最近一項調查結果也顯示,南韓民調公                            們認為,要不是因為中共官員在最初隱瞞了
              司「韓國研究」(Hankook  Research)在2021                  疫情,否則疫情應該能更快控制下來。
              年3月進行的一項調查發現,59%的南韓人視                                 相較之下,南韓的年輕人大多來說都對
              中國為主要競爭對手,83%的人認為中國對南                            台灣更有好感。台灣同是東亞地區的民主國
              韓造成國家安全威脅,60%的人認為中國帶來                            家,發展軌跡跟南韓有許多類似之處。近來
              經濟威脅。2021年春季皮尤研究中心民調顯                            各政黨也越來越重視年輕選民的票,雖然要
              示,77%的南韓人對美國抱持好感,卻只有                             到真正由年輕世代來帶領國家還有一段路要                                                                     AD

              22%的人對中國有好感。                                     走,但無論如何,這對未來台韓兩國的關係
                  有趣的是,其中又屬南韓年輕人對中國的                           都是好事。(作者為台灣金融研訓院外籍特聘
              看法最為負面,在這部分跟台灣人有點類似。                             研究員;譯者為廖珮杏)

                  Recent survey data support this assertion.   only known a free society and some see the illiberal
              A survey conducted by South Korea’s Hankook      Chinese party-state as a threat to their core values.
              Research in March 2021 found that 59% of South   Such feelings have intensified following Beijing’s
              Koreans view China primarily as a rival, with 83%   draconian imposition of a national security law in Hong
              seeing Beijing as a security threat and 60% as an   Kong and the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic,
              economic threat. A spring 2021 Pew survey found that   which might have been contained within China’s
              77% of South Koreans have a positive view of the   borders if Communist Party officials had been truthful
              United States, while just 22% view China positively.  rather than deceitful at the onset.
                  Interestingly, South Korea’s young people have    In contrast, South Korea’s young people

              the most negative views of China. In this respect, they   generally have warm feelings towards Taiwan, a fellow
              share some similarities with Taiwanese. Compared   East Asian democracy that has evolved along a similar
              to their elders, many who grew up in a military   trajectory to their own country. Though it will take
              dictatorship (South Korea democratized in 1988),   time before a younger generation of South Korean
              South Korean millennials have less patience for   politicians leads the country, this nonetheless augurs
              China’s authoritarianism. South Korean youth have   well for the future of Taiwan-South Korea relations.

         36   台灣銀行家2022.2月號

   1          5%     JOEE
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