Page 57 - NO.142銀行家雜誌
P. 57

這些專案希望利用2020和2021年疫情                         ߵ਷މږፄ߅Ҧɛʑணໄอᖦᗇ

              的關鍵技能。新加坡金管局在金融培訓計                                    地球另一頭的英國,也正在試圖利用金融
              畫上投入9,000萬新幣(相當於18億元新台                           科技來維持金融業的競爭力。該國的傳統金融
              幣)。而且無論是金融培訓計畫,還是國際                              服務因為脫歐而深受威脅,之前倫敦因為同等
              銀行標準培訓計畫,都將年長與資深的銀行                              監理標準而成為很有吸引力的金融中心,但脫
              業人員包含在內,40歲以上的新加坡公民獲                             歐之後,這項優勢如今已經不再;而之前一度
              得的補貼高達年輕人的90%。                                   想要讓金融業能夠毫無阻力地橫跨英吉利海峽
                  此外,新加坡金管局也知道,未來除了需                           的「牌照通行證」(Passporting)計畫,最後也
              要熟悉科技,還需要在其他國家生活和工作的                             宣告失敗,金融服務業只好「無協議」脫歐。
              經驗。所以它推出金融助理管理計畫(Finance                              如今的英國金融業正在和歐陸的同行公開

              Associate  Management  Scheme),每個月最多             搶生意,其中一項戰略重點就是提高既有的科
              補助金融機構 5,000 新幣,鼓勵他們把有潛力                         技優勢。其實,英國最初脫歐的動機之一,就
              的年輕人送往國外輪調。                                      是想脫離歐盟綁手綁腳的投資環境,例如歐盟

              specific technologies or business models, but    financial  institutions  up  to  S$  5 , 0 0 0  a
              rather development frameworks like Agile and     month to send young Singaporean talent on
              Scrum.                                           overseas rotations.

                  These programs were designed to help
              banks take advantage of the downtime caused      Fintech goes against the grain
              by  the pandemic  in  2020  and  2021.  MA S
              granted FTS up to S$ 90 million (NT$ 1.8             On the other end of the world, the UK is
              billion) in support. Furthermore, both programs   also relying on fintech to ensure the overall
              were designed to include older workers as well   competitiveness of its overall  financial  sector.
              as those earlier in their career progression, with   In that case, however, traditional finance is
              Singapore citizens aged 40 and above receiving   under genuine threat. Brexit has ended the
              90% of the subsidy of younger people.            regulatory equivalence that made London an

                  MAS also recognizes that one of the          attractive proposition as a financial center.
              most important ways to future-proof jobs         A scheme called “passporting” which would
              is not technical knowledge, but simply the       have allowed firms to move frictionlessly
              experience of having lived and done business in   across the English Channel also fell through,
              another country.  Towards this end,  its  Finance   resulting in an effective “no-deal” Brexit for
              Associate Management Scheme reimburses           financial services.

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2021.10月號 57

   1          5%     JOEE
   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62