Page 54 - NO.142銀行家雜誌
P. 54

               Special Report




                                                                                      撰文:David Stinson孫維德

                    場研究公司顧能(Gartner)在《2021 年最                  作。同時也列出另外 5 項有助於數位化,或者

              市 重要的金融趨勢與優先事項》(Top Finance                      可以解決宏觀問題的能力:科技素養、數位翻譯
              Trends  and  Priorities  for  2021)中,調查了 300     (科技傳播力)、數位化學習與發展、數位偏誤
              位企業財務長與財務高層,整理出當代必備的 5                           管理、數位企圖心(早期採用新科技的心態)。
              項數位金融技能:科技與自動化、企業流程管                                 這份清單讓我們清楚看見新興金融科技
              理、資料素養、高階分析方法、業務合作與協                             將帶來哪些變化,其中有一些變化是以新科

              Technical Proficiency Starts with Regulatory Alignment

              With the combined impact of the COVID pandemic, increased geopolitical uncertainty, and a trend towards
              more stringent ESG requirements, 2021 is proving to be full of challenges for bank management. Against these
              emerging issues, further technological development is creating new profit centers, freeing up manpower to focus
              on more important matters, and allowing the financial sector to improve its public image.

                  he market research firm Gartner surveyed     accompanying competencies, or larger
              T300 CFOs and other financial executives in      problems that can be solved through these
              its “Top Finance Trends and Priorities for  2021”   skills: technological literacy, digital translation

              report,  and  found five must-have digital       (technical communications), digital learning and
              finance skills: technology and automation,       development,  digital bias management, and
              business process management, data literacy,      digital ambition (an early adoption mentality).
              advanced analytics, and business partnering          T h e se list s d o a g oo d jo b con ve ying
              and collaboration. It also listed five digital   the breath of changes that emerging fintech

         54   台灣銀行家2021.10月號

   1          5%     JOEE
   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59