Page 59 - NO.142銀行家雜誌
P. 59

Sunak)也宣布要為金融科技人才設立一道新的                          沒有深入研究未來,銀行業還是可以用其他
              簽證系統,將於2022年3月啟用。有鑑於歐洲人                          方式跟上潮流。新加坡金管局的孟文能建

              士在英國脫歐之後更難移民至英國,這項政策                             議,銀行可以聘用理工科和科技領域的畢業
              顯然開了一扇新的大門。                                      生與中階專業人才。顧能公司也說,金融業
                  此外,這份報告也提出了一些教育培訓                            在規劃人才庫的時候不要預想太遠,反而應
              的看法,它建議投資平價教育課程,並提供                              該強調人才的整體能力與靈活性。
              工作實習與高等教育進修的機會,尤其是中                                   尤其在地緣政治詭譎未明的時代,這一點
              小型金融科技業最為適用。                                     最為重要。如今很難預測5年之後的監理方向
              ᜫɛʑՈ௪ᅁ׌                                          解決方案套用在自動化系統中,反而才是成敗

                  當然,產業環境橫跨的領域越多,進修                            技業或科系。(本文作者為台灣金融研訓院特
              技能的空間就越大。即使不仰賴其他行業,                              聘外籍研究員;譯者為劉維人)

              Shortly after its release, UK Finance minister   actions w ithout depending on others, or
              Rishi Sunak announced the creation of a          without requiring deep insights into the future.
              new visa system for fintech talent, which will   Menron  of  MAS  recommends  that  banks  hire
              become active in March 2022. Given that one      graduates and mid-career professionals from

              of  the main effects  of Brexit has been to make   the technology sector and STEM fields. Gartner
              immigration from the EU more difficult, this     also recommends that financial institutions don’t
              policy goes against the stream.                  try to plan too far into the future, but rather to
                   Furthermore,  the  report  also  had        concentrate on general aptitude and flexibility
              some ideas for education and tr aining.          as they build up their own talent pools.
              It rec ommended i nv es tment i n low-cos t           That last point is particularly relevant
              educational courses, especially for staff of SME   in an environment of increased geopolitical
              fintech firms, as well as work placements and    uncertainty. It would be very difficult to predict
              relevant higher education courses.               the direction of regulation five years from now.

                                                               Instead, it’s more important to be able to
              Flexible talent                                  think logically through problems and apply
                                                               the solutions to automated systems. Many,
                   Clearly, the wider ecosystem has a strong   but by no means all employees who are  able
              influence on the potential of the industry to    to do this are good in traditional technological
              upskill its workforce. Still, banks can take     disciplines.

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2021.10月號 59

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