Page 58 - NO.142銀行家雜誌
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               Special Report

              對於虛擬貨幣匿名性的保守觀點,就讓區塊鏈                             美元的金融科技新創企業有44%都把總部設在英
              的支持者覺得處處受困,他們希望英國可以走                             國,而在英國脫歐以及面臨COVID-19危機的重

              上另一條路,成為去中心化金融(DeFi)中心。                          創之後,英國也把金融科技當成一條出路。
                  倫敦的開源DeFi協議公司Aave執行長Stani                    廣受引用的《K a l i f a英國金融科技評論》
              Kulechov表示,「雖然英國脫歐給金融業帶來                         (Kalifa  Review  of  UK  Fintech)指出,
              了許多風險,但這類風險虛擬貨幣和D e F i圈                         「在C O V I D-19期間,有70萬年輕人離開學
              經常都在處理。金融科技人士和政府決策者                              校,進入極為艱困的就業市場。充滿活力且
              也可以藉著脫歐的機會,把英國打造成一個更                             不斷成長的金融科技,可以為這些年輕人提
              有利於新創的環境,成為D e F i與數位資產的                         供就業機會。」
              領導者。」標普全球(S&P Global)也引述了                             這份與倫敦市聯合發布的評論,還指出
              這段話。                                             金融科技引發了一道新的簽證潮流,金融科技

                  英國之前的環境很適合發展金融科技,                            界的勞動力目前已經有42%是外國人。報告發
              它的開放銀行走得很前面,歐洲市值超過10億                            布後不久,英國財政部長瑞斯‧蘇納克(Rishi

                  The UK is now in open competition for        for the fintech community and policymakers to
              financial business with mainland  Europe,        create further innovation-friendly policies and
              and one of its most important strategies is to   lead in DeFi and digital assets as well.”
              promote its existing strengths in technology. In     T h e  U K previously had a strong fintech

              fact, one of the original motivations for Brexit   ecosystem. It was a world leader in open banking, and
              was to free the UK from the more restrictive     44% of ‘unicorns’ in the sector based in Europe are
              investment environment of the EU. Blockchain     located in the UK. With the combined impact of Brexit
              proponents, for instance, look at EU proposals   and the COVID crisis, which hit the UK hard, it is now
              to potentially severely restrict cryptocurrency   looking at the sector as a way out. A widely noted
              anonymity and hope that the UK can go in a       report called the Kalifa Review of UK Fintech noted,
              different direction, perhaps by becoming a hub   “due to covid, around 700,000 young people
              for decentralized finance (DeFi).                have left education into an extremely difficult
                  “While  Brexit  brings  considerable         jobs market. Fintech can provide young people

              uncertainty to the UK financial industry,”       with access to employment opportunities in an
              said Stani Kulechov, founder and CEO of the      exciting and expanding sector.”
              London-based open source DeFi protocol               The report, produced in conjunction with
              company Aave, as quoted by S&P Global, “such     the City of London, also proposed a new visa
              uncertainty is nothing new for the crypto and    stream for fintech, noting that foreign talent
              DeFi space. Brexit can also be an opportunity    make up 42% of the UK fintech workforce.

         58   台灣銀行家2021.10月號

   1          5%     JOEE
   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63