Page 55 - NO.142銀行家雜誌
P. 55


              且更常觸及演算法對於社會與監理的影響。                              英國試圖利用金融科技來維持金融業的競爭力。(圖/達志影像)

                  可惜的是,雖然新科技對成長很重要,                            主動出擊有關。新加坡金融管理局(MAS)
              大部分的金融高層卻都不具備相關技能。管                              大力培育科技轉型所需的技能;英國的政治
              理顧問公司埃森哲(Accenture)的報告顯示,                        與整體局勢則提高了金融科技業的重要性,

              有科技業背景的銀行董事非常少,2015 年只                           使市場更快提出解決方案。雖然兩國的狀況
              有 6%,目前則為 10%。這很可能會帶來各種困                         差很多,卻都提醒我們,如果要提升業界的
              境,除了整體戰略上的錯誤之外,也可能在選                             科技技能,就需要更宏觀的視角。
              擇供應商和系統這些執行細節上失誤。                                     新加坡金管局與新加坡銀行業暨金融學
                  該報告指出,英國在這方面表現較佳,                            院(IBF,相當於台灣金融研訓院的機構)
              26% 的董事有科技背景。另外,該報告沒有                            最 近共同 舉辦 了「 培育 新林 地」 線上系列
              點名的新加坡,同樣也領先其他國家。                                研討會,金管局局長孟文能(Ravi  Menon)

              technologies will bring. Some changes, mostly    reveals that bank boards of directors lack members
              involving  technological  infrastructure,  are   with experience in the tech sector. 10% of directors are
              oriented towards efficiency. Others are oriented   now in that category, up slightly from 6% in 2015. This
              towards customer service and added value.        deficiency has a variety of potential effects, from errors
              Some of the necessary skills are inward-         in business strategy to tactical errors in selecting
              focused, while others are focused on the larger   suppliers or systems.
              ecosystem, and still more involve the social and     The report singled out the UK as a country that
              regulatory impact of algorithms.                 has done somewhat better than average, where that
                                                               number was 26%. In addition (although not mentioned
              An active regulator                              specifically in the report), Singapore is another country

                                                               which has been a consistent leader in this area.
                  Despite the importance of technological          In both cases, the progress that has been made
              growth,  corresponding skills are still lacking in the   so far is closely related  to  larger  trends  involving
              boardroom. A report by the accountancy Accenture   t h e g ove r n me n t.  T h e Mo n e ta r y  A u th o r it y

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2021.10月號 55

   1          5%     JOEE
   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60