Page 56 - NO.142銀行家雜誌
P. 56

               Special Report

              在會議上說,「想像一下,如果沒有 PayNow
              跟 FAST,去 年 的『系 統 大 停 擺 』會 變 成 怎

              樣?」PayNow 跟 FAST 都是新加坡使用的線
                  孟文能在會議中以 SGFinDex 為例,這是一
              簡單,但其實同時涉及產品管理、業務分析、                             跟上世界脈動。他們推出的金融培訓計畫
              系統架構規劃、程式介面設計、使用者介面與                             (Financial  Training  Scheme)和國際銀行
              體驗設計、軟體開發、產品支援、資料分析,                             標準培訓計畫(IBF-Standards  Training  Scheme)
              每一項都是專業。「光是開發和管理這一項產                             都補貼「未來所需」的「深度科技」(Deep-

              品,就需要一大堆技術人才。」                                   Tech)課程的所需費用。其中許多實作課程的重
                  新加坡金管局一邊持續關注整體局                              點並不放在特定的科技或商業模型,而是著重
              勢,一邊主動出擊,確保新加坡金融人才                               於培養 Agile 和 Scrum 這類敏捷開發思維。

              of Singapore (MAS) plays a strong role in             Menon used SGFinDex, a personal finance
              promoting the skills needed for technological    app powered by open banking, as an example. The
              transformation. In the UK, on the other hand,    intuitive front end makes the design look simple, but

              larger  political and other trends have underscored   in fact, development of such an app involves product
              the necessity of the fintech sector, while promoting   managers, business analysts, system and security
              market solutions. Although these are very different   architects, API designers, UI/UX designers, software
              situations, they both underscore the need for bigger-  developers, testers, production supporters, and data
              picture thinking when promoting technological    analysts. “The multitude of technology talent needed
              upskilling.                                      to develop and manage just this one single product is
                  Can we imagine what life would have been like   staggering,” he commented.
              during last year’s “circuit breaker” lockdown if we   MAS is not just watching the situation, but is
              did not have PayNow or FAST?’ asked Ravi Menon,   working actively to ensure that Singapore’s financial

              Managing Director of MAS, referring to systems   talent pool remains at a world-class  level.  The
              used in Singapore for funds transfer and payment.   Financial  Training Scheme AND IBF-Standards
              The remarks were part of a “growing timber” series   Training Scheme subsidize fees for a number
              of webinars jointly held by MAS and the Institute of   of courses, including “deep-tech” concepts
              Banking and Finance (IBF), the counterpart of TABF in   for  “future-enabled skills.” Many of  the
              Singapore.                                       corresponding practical courses do not cover

         56   台灣銀行家2021.10月號

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