Page 54 - NO.137銀行家雜誌
P. 54

               Special Report


              但你可以用金融科技打造新撲滿,勸年輕人                              關法規一直符合全球的最佳作法。

              用幾百塊錢投資綠色能源也好。他們一旦養                                 Q8:您認為在香港這幾年的變化後,台
              成習慣,就能逐漸累積財富,這非常重要。                                 灣是不是更有機會成為亞洲金融中心?

                Q7:您對台灣金融界還有什麼建議嗎?                                  Ans:這是現在進行式吧,越來越多外國
                  Ans:如果台灣想成為金融中心,就該去                          坡的環境更適合金融業,所以跑去那邊的人更                                                                        AD
              看看香港與新加坡的金融監理和租稅政策。                              多。今後台灣越重視這個問題,對金融業越友
              它們所以能成為亞洲金融中心,是因為開公                              善,來台開展業務的外商就會越多。(本文作者

              司很容易、稅率很低、資金流動很容易、相                              為台灣金融研訓院外籍研究員;譯者為廖珮杏)

              few hundred NT dollars, in things they care about, like   are consistent and in line with international best
              green energy, they will do it and it will start to build   practices.

              their wealth for the long run. That’s a very important   Q8:Do you think with the changes in Hong
              thing.                                              Kong over the past few years that Taiwan has
                                                                  more of an opportunity to become a financial
                                                                  center in Asia?
                 Q7:Do you have any other advice for
                 Taiwan’s financial sector?
                                                                   Ans:We’re already seeing that. People are
                  Ans:If Taiwan wants to be a financial center,   setting up operations here. People are looking at Taiwan
              it should look at the regulations and tax policies of   as an alternative, but Singapore is benefiting more
              Hong Kong and Singapore.  Those  two  areas  are   than Taiwan because it has more of a financial industry
              the financial centers in Asia because it is easy   friendly environment. The more Taiwan can address that
              to do business; the tax rates are low; it is easy   issue and make itself friendly to the financial industry,
              to move money around, and the regulations        the more business will come here.


         54   台灣銀行家2021.5月號

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