Page 53 - NO.137銀行家雜誌
P. 53

所以我們該幫哪些忙呢?                                     Q5:您認為雙語國家計畫需要引進更多英
                  之前我在貝萊德的時候,公司會持續培                               語母語人士來教英文嗎?

              用這種方法讓員工不斷成長,金融業的資源                                   Ans:我們的確需要更多英語教師,但真
              夠多,而且同時涉足國內與國外市場,比其                              正該思考的是 10 年後的英語要怎麼教、怎麼
              他行業更能因為嫻熟雙語而獲得更多機會與                              用。所以我們應該學習美國、加拿大、英國的
              獲利。                                              教學經驗,這些地方的老師自新冠肺炎之後就
                 Q4:在台灣金融業者布局全球的過程                             直接請外國教師進行遠距教學,不需要把人帶
                 中,哪些部分會和英語能力有關?                               到台灣來。

                  Ans:最近的新南向政策就是一個好例子,                           Q6:說到科技,您認為台灣應該如何進一
              如果你的銀行要響應這項政策,在東南亞開分                               步運用金融科技?
              力不夠好,就沒辦法拓展得那麼順。                                      Ans:我認為金融科技可以讓累積財富的
                  反之,如果你有很多雙語人才,就可以                            過程變得更民主。投資目前還讓人卻步,很
              將業務部署到亞洲各地。                                      多人都認為你需要一大筆錢才能開始投資;

                 Q4:How could Taiwan’s financial industry      taught and used ten years from now. We should use
                 use bilingualism in its global expansion?
                                                               the learnings of teachers in the U.S., Canada and Britain,
                  Ans:One example would be the New             who have been teaching remotely throughout COVID-19.
              Southbound Policy initiative. If you want to take part in   If we use their learnings, and the technology, we can teach
              that and expand your financial institution to Southeast   English to many more students in Taiwan than if we
              Asia, you’re going to be using a lot more English, so it   only focus on bringing the teachers here.
              only helps you if your staff speaks better English.
                  If you have bilingual staff, you will start to   Q6:Speaking of technology, how do you think
                                                                  Taiwan could make greater use of fintech?
              develop a talent base that you can deploy anywhere

              in Asia.                                              Ans:I think fintech can help to democratize
                                                               the  wealth-building process. People are intimidated
                 Q5:Do you think Taiwan needs more native
                 speaking English teachers to support the      right now. They think you need to have a lot of money
                 bilingual country initiative?                 if you want to invest. But if you can use technology

                  Ans:Yes, we need more teachers, but we need   to have a virtual piggy bank, and you show young
              to think about how the English language is going to be   people that they can invest small amounts, even a

                                                                                          台灣銀行家2021.5月號 53

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