Page 52 - NO.137銀行家雜誌
P. 52

               Special Report


                 Q3:這時候金融業可以幫什麼忙?                              種事光靠政府是不夠的。金融業資源豐沛,員
                  Ans:我一直建議本會的會員,包括許多外                         幾個不同的地方讀過書,這樣的產業應該義不
              國金融機構,一起幫忙推動這項計畫,畢竟這                             容辭協助推動雙語國家政策。

              bridge is the small country in the middle. Taiwan   bilingual country].
              is small enough and should be flexible enough        So how do we speed that up?
              that if we really move ahead with this bilingual     When I worked at BlackRock, we made sure that
              initiative, we can make it work.                 there was English training for our staff on an ongoing
                                                               basis. I think financial institutions can certainly offer
                 Q3:Is there anything in particular that the   that to their staff to help them grow and develop.
                 financial sector can do to help?
                                                               The resources in the financial industry are there to
                  Ans:What I always say to our members, which   make that happen and because the financial industry
              include a lot of foreign financial institutions, is that they   touches both the domestic and global markets, the

              should help drive this process. It’s not something the   opportunity and benefits of going bilingual are much
              government can do by itself. With the resources they   higher than in other industries.
              have and the level of education of their staff, many
              who speak English and went to school in different
              places, the financial industry should be helping to
              move Taiwan generally in that direction [of becoming a

         52   台灣銀行家2021.5月號

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