Page 494 - 作業風險管理-新巴塞爾資本協定下之應用
P. 494

>>>     作業風險管理-新巴塞爾資定下之應用

               59.State Street, 31 may 2001, “State   Street Corporation Comment Letter
                  New Basel Capital Accord ”.

               60.Swedish Bankers’ Association, 30 May 2001, “Comments on The New
                  Basel Capital Accord ”

               61.The Word Bank, 07 June 2001,     “Comments on the Proposed New
                  Basel Capital Accord”.

               62.The Bank of Korea, 30 May 2001,     “Comments on the consultative
                  document on the New Basel Capital Accord”.

               63.The Operational Risk Implementation Advisory Group (ORIAG),
                  January 2003,”Implementatiion of th   e Capital Accord for Operational

               64.UBS, 28 May 2001, “Response to the New Basel Capital Accord”.
               65.UK, Financial Services Authority (

                  systems and controls”.              FSA), July 2002, “Operational risk
               66.The World Bank, May 2000, “Cor     porate Governance: A Framework

                  for Implementation”.
               67.Junji Hiwatashi and Hiroshi Ashida, March 2003, “Advancing Op risk

                  management using Japanese banking experience”.

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