Page 491 - 作業風險管理-新巴塞爾資本協定下之應用
P. 491

參考書目      <<<

               23.Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, January 2001,
                  “Consultative Document overview of     The new Basel Capital Accord”.

               24.Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, April 2001, “Quantitative
                  Impact Study (QIS)”.

               25.Basel Committee on Banking Superv     ision, 4 May 2001, “Quantitative
                  Impact Study2 (QIS 2)”.

               26.Basel Committee on Bankin    g Supervision, August 2002,” The
                  relationship between banking su

                  auditors: A Survey ”.            pervisors and banks’ external
               27.Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, January 2002,” The
                  relationship between banking supervis  ors and banks’ external auditors “.

               28.Basel Committee on Banking Supe    rvision, August 2001,” Internal
                  audit in banks and the supervisor's relationship with auditors“.

               29.Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, September 1998,”
                  Framework for Internal Control Sys   tems in Banking Organisations“.

               30.Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, April 2000,” Basel
                  Committee review of internat  ional accounting standards“.

               31.Basel Committee on Banking Superv     ision, October 2004, ”History of
                  the Basel Committee and its Membership”.
               32.Christopher Lee Marshall, 20  01,”Measuring and Managing   :  Tools, Techniques, and

                  Operational Risks In Financial Institutions
                  other Resources”

               33.Douglas G.Hoffman, 2002,”Managing Operational Risk”, John Wiley
                  & Sons, Inc.

               34.Christopher Lee Marshall, 20  01,”Measuring and Managing
                  Operational Risk In Financial Instit  ution”, John Wiley & Sons (Asia)

                  Pte Ltd.

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