Page 489 - 作業風險管理-新巴塞爾資本協定下之應用
P. 489

參考書目      <<<

               16.  蔡佳紋,     2004.06  ,  ”  作業風險衡量方法之探討              ”  ,東吳大學會計研


               1. AIG Europe, 10 April 2001, “C   omments on the New Basel Capital

               2. Arthur Andersen, 29 May 2001, “T

                  Banking Supervision”, Arthur Andersen Risk Books.   he Secretariat Basel Committee on
               3. Athur Andersen, 1998,”Operational   Risk And Financial Institutions”.
               4. A working Paper submitted by In  surance Companies, November 7,

                  2001,” Insurance of Operational Risk under the new Basel Capital

               5. Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, October 2006,“Core
                  Principles for Effective Banking Supervision”.

               6. Basel Committee on Banking Supe    rvision, February 2006,“Enhancing
                  corporate governance for banking organisations”.

               7. Blanden,M., July 1994, “On the   mend: The pain subsides for many
                  banks worldwide but some ar  e still seeking recovery”.
               8. Bank of America, 31 May 2001,    “Bank of America Comments and

                  Opinions Concerning the New Capital Accord”.
               9. Bank of Thailand, 01 June 2001, “Bank of America Comments the

                  New Basel Capital Accord”.
               10.Barclays PLC, 31 May 2001, “Response to Basel Consultative

                  Proposals on Capital Adequacy”.
               11.Basel Committee on Banking Superv     ision, April 2005, ”Compliance

                  and the compliance function in banks”.

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