Page 490 - 作業風險管理-新巴塞爾資本協定下之應用
P. 490

>>>     作業風險管理-新巴塞爾資定下之應用

               12.Basel Committee on Banking Superv     ision, October 2004, ”History of
                  the Basel Committee and its Membership”.

               13.Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, 20 August 2003,
                  “Consultative Document---Consolidated KYC Risk Management ”

                  (Issued for comment by 30 October 2003)    ;  6 October
                  2004,“Consolidated KYC Risk Management ”.

               14.Basel Committee on Banking Supervis    ion, June 2004, “International
                  Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards:A

                  Revised Framework”.
               15.Basel Committee on Banking Supe    rvision, August 2003, “The Joint
                  Forum- Operational risk transfe  r across financial sectors”.

               16.Basel Committee on Banking Superv     ision, March 14 2003, “The 2002
                  Loss Data Collection Exercise for Operational Risk   :  Summary of the

                  Data Collected”.
               17.Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, January 2001,

                  “Consultative Document Operational Risk.
               18.Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, May 2001, “Risk

                  Management Principles    for Electronic Banking”.
               19.Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, August 2001, “Internal
                  audit in banks and the superviso  r’s relationship with auditors”.

               20.Basel Committee on Banking Supe    rvision, April 29 2003, “Third
                  Consultative Paper of the New Basel Capital Accord”.

               21.Basel Committee on Banking Supe
                  Practices for the Management and   rvision, February 25 2003, “Sound
                                                     Supervision of Operational Risk”.
               22.Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, September 1999,
                  “Enhancing Corporate Governance for Banking Organisation”.

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