Page 493 - 作業風險管理-新巴塞爾資本協定下之應用
P. 493

參考書目      <<<

               46.J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.,29 Ma    y 2001, “Comments on the Proposed
                  New Basel Capital Accord”.

               47.KPMG, 30 May 2001, “The New Basel Capital Accord Response to
                  Consultative Documents dated January 2001”.

               48.Merrill Lynch, 30 May 2001, “Res   ponse to the Basel Committee on
                  Banking Supervision and the Europe   an Commission on Proposals for

                  the New Capital Accord”.
               49.Michel Crouhy, Dan Galai, Robert Mark, 2003,”Risk Management”,

                  Mc Galai Mark.
               50.OECD, 2004,   「  OECD Principles of Corporate Governance    」  .
               51.Nigel Da Costa Lewis, 2004,”Operati   onal Risk With Excel and VBA”,

                  John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
               52.People’s Bank of China, 30 Ma

                  consultative Package of the New Basel Capital Accord”.   y 2001, “Comments on the Second
               53.Philippe Jorion, 2000, “Value at   Risk”, second edition, McGraw-Hill

                  International Edition.
               54.PricewaterhouseCoopers, 28 May 2001, “The New Basel Capital

               55.Risk Management Group of the Ba    sel Committee, 28 September 2001,
                  “Working Paper on the Regulatory    Treatment of Operational Risk”.

               56.Risk Waters Group, 2001,”Advances in Operational Risk”, Risk
                  Waters Group Risk Books.

               57.Standard & Poor’s,1 June 2001, “Standard    &     Poor’s Response to
                  The New Basel Capital Accord ” .

               58.Standard Chartered, 25 May 2001, “SCB comments on the Basel
                  Committee consultative document:    The New Basel Capital Accord

                  January 2001”.

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