Page 492 - 作業風險管理-新巴塞爾資本協定下之應用
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>>>     作業風險管理-新巴塞爾資定下之應用

               35.European Central Bank, 31 May 2001, “The New Basel Capital
                  Accord Comments of the European Central Bank”.

               36.Federal Reserve System   、  Office of the Comptroller of the
                  Currency  、  Office of Thrift Supervision  、  Federal Deposit Insurance

                  Corporation, May 12, 2005,”Results    of the 2004 Loss Data Collection
                  Exercise for Operational Risk”.

               37.Financial Stability Institute, June 2004 ,” The implementation of the
                  new capital adequacy framework in Asia”.

               38.Financial Stability Institute, June 2004,” Implementation of the new
                  capital adequacy framework in    non-Basel Committee member
                  counties-Summary of responses to the Basel II implementation

                  assistance Questionnaire”.
               39.Fitch IBCA, Duff &Phelps, 31 Ma

                  Revised New Basel Capital Accord Proposals”.   y 2001, “Fitch’s Response to the
               40.GE Capital, 01 June 2001, “Comme    nts on the Draft New Basel Capital

               41.IBM, 31 May 2001, “IBM Respons      e to the Bank for International

                  Settlements Consultative Document on Operational Risk”.
               42.IOSCO, 31 May 2001, “IOSCO Comments on the Draft New Basel
                  Capital Accord”.                 、  CFA Centre for Financial Market

               43.Investment Adviser Association
                  Integrity, November 2005,”Cos   ts of Compliance Survey”.

               44.Japanese Bankers Association,
                  New Basel Capital Accord”.      31 May 2001, “Opinion paper on the

               45.Jack L. King, 2001,”Operational   Risk Measurement and Modeling”,
                  John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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