Page 65 - 信用狀交易糾紛解析暨最新案例研討
P. 65



                                 依據國際商會之 DOCDEX Decision No.236 之決議:開狀銀行遵循法院

                             一慣例 (UCP)  以外之議題,應由依據準據法行事之法庭決定“…Accordingly,

                             the liability of the First Respondent (issuing Bank) for having complied with the
                             attachment orders and having instructed the Second  Respondent (negotiating

                             Bank) to cease negotiation in compliance with attachment orders delivered by a
                             court  of law  is an issue which is  outside the  UCP  and  has instead to  be

                             determined by a court of law acting according to the applicable law.”。

                             34 ICC Collected Docdex Decisions 2004-2008, ICC DOCDEX DECISION NO. 236, p.17-19
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