Page 97 - 進出口貿易與押匯實務疑難問題解析-首篇 (增修訂二版)
P. 97

第四章  信用狀  81

                             註 2:ISBP 第 62 項

                                 62. The  description  of the  goods in the  invoice  must  correspond with the
                             description in the credit. There is no requirement for a mirror image. For example,

                             details of the goods may be stated in a number of areas within the invoice which,
                             when collated together, represents a description of the goods corresponding to that in

                             the credit.

                                 62.  商業發票貨物內容說明必須與信用狀內容相符合,但並非像照鏡子

                                 註 2:UCP (500) 第 37 條 c 款UCP (600) 第 18 條 c 項

                                       ISBP (645) 第 62 項ISBP (681) 第 58 項

                             內 (商業發票,提單等),但遭國外開狀銀行拒付,請問:

                                  1. 理由如何?

                                  2. 有何補救措施?
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