Page 93 - 進出口貿易與押匯實務疑難問題解析-首篇 (增修訂二版)
P. 93

第四章  信用狀  77

                                 (In its Answer the Respondent  mentions  a second reason for rejecting the
                             documents. However, as this second reason  does  not appear in the copy of the

                             advice of refusal dated 27/01/03 presented under this case, the experts have ignored
                             the reference to such second reason) .

                                 The merchandise description (field 45A) in the credit is:
                                   1,176 PCS OF DIGITAL PRODUCTS COMPRISING  VGA CHIP

                                    08/0487/08 AT USD 35.00/PC.
                                   2,160 PCS  OF  DIGITAL PRODUCTS COMPRISING K9K1GO8UM-

                                    YCBO (SAMSUNG) AT USD27.50/PC
                                 AS PER CONTRACT NO. SIMT09286.

                                 The merchandise description in the invoice presented is:

                                  DIGITAL (ELECTRONIC) PRODUCTS COMPRISING AS PER
                                 CONTRACT NO. SIMT09286
                                 VGA CHIP 08/0487/08 (PANASONIC)

                                 1,176PCS AT USD35/PC

                                 K9K1GO8UM-YCBO (SAMSUNG)

                                 2,160PCS AT USD27.5/PC

                                 In its Answer, the Respondent explains that it is focusing on the extra word:
                             ELECTRONIC and PANSONIC not  mentioned in the credit but included in the

                             description in the invoice.

                                 Initiator (negotiating bank):
                                 Respondent (issuing bank):
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