Page 94 - 進出口貿易與押匯實務疑難問題解析-首篇 (增修訂二版)
P. 94

78  進出口貿易與押匯實務疑難問題解析 (首篇)

                           The group of experts has studied the Request for a DOCDEX-decision received
                       from the Initiator and the Answer received from the Respondent regarding a dispute

                       over documents presented by the Initiator to the Respondent under three letters of
                       credit, subject to the UCP500, issued by the Respondent.

                           The group of experts has made their unanimous decision based on the Request
                       and the Answer themselves, copies of the three letters of credit in question, copies of

                       the documents in dispute and on copies of the correspondence between Initiator and
                       Respondent regarding the case.

                           Decision on Case (結論)
                           According  to  UCP sub-Article 37 (c) the description of the  goods in the

                       commercial invoice must correspond with the description in the credit. According to

                       official ICC Opinions there is no requirement for a mirror image. That is further
                       confirmed by paragraph 62 of the ISBP, ICC Publ. 645. In the view of the experts it
                       is not standard banking practice not to accept invoices on the ground that some extra

                       information, like in the present case, has been added to the merchandise description

                       as tasted in the credits. This view is in line with ICC Opinion R.456from May 2000.
                           Therefore, the group of expert’s decision is that the documents are not


                           根據 UCP600 第 37 條 c 款規定,商業發票上之貨品名稱敘述必須與信用
                       狀所述相符合,但 ICC 正式所發表之意見則並不要求兩者之間一字不差。

                       ISBP 第 62 項 (註 2) 以及 ICC 第 645 號出版物也進一步確認了此點。專家的

                       述,此意見已列入 2000 年 5 月 ICC 第 456 號出版物中。
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