Page 288 - 進出口貿易與押匯實務疑難問題解析-首篇 (增修訂二版)
P. 288

272  進出口貿易與押匯實務疑難問題解析 (首篇)

                              (4) 保險種類之變換
                                 Insurance covering (ICC All risks) instead of (ICC F.P.A.)

                              (5) 裝運卸貨地點之更改
                                 Shipment from______ to _______instead of previously stipulated.

                              (6) 提單抬頭人之修改
                                 B/L made out (to order of) _________ instead of previously stipulated.

                              (7) 單據提示期限之修改
                                 Documents to be presented with 20 days after the dates of issuance of

                                 shipping documents instead of previously stipulated.
                              (8) 准予分批裝運

                                 Partial shipments permitted.
                              (9) 准予轉運;只准限於某地轉運

                                 Transhipment permitted.
                                 Transhipment at ___________ permitted.

                              (10)信用狀可 (在受益國) 轉讓:

                                 This L/C is transferable (in beneficiary country only) .

                                 Please add your confirmation to this credit, your confirmation charges,
                                 if any, are for applicant / beneficiary account.

                              (12)貿易條件由 FOB 改為 CIF (目的港)。
                                 Trade Tern amended to be on CIF (目的港) basis instead of FOB.

                                 Insurance premium and freight to be paid by beneficiary / applicant.

                                 All banking charges are for applicant account.
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