Page 237 - 進出口貿易與押匯實務疑難問題解析-首篇 (增修訂二版)
P. 237

第五章  出口押匯  221

                                  2. 若正本提單 (通常為三張)  之一已先寄給進口商或其指定代理人,又


                                  3. 拒付發生時,開狀銀行所能返還的單據,僅限於受益人 (出口商)  當
                                     初押匯時所提示的部分 (依據國際商會 1983-01-06 REF MR/470 解釋)

                                     “I think the answer to the query raised by bank is that the issuing bank
                                     would only  be responsible for returning what documents had  been

                                     presented to it by the beneficiary. If the beneficiary is prepared to accept a
                                     credit issued in this  manner, it is for the beneficiary to realize that, by

                                     agreeing to send one out of three original bills of lading direct to the buyer
                                     or some other designated party, the beneficiary is relinquishing control over

                                     the goods before he has been paid. If he then fails to  meet the credit
                                     requirements and therefore payment is refused, his only action in respect of

                                     the missing bill of lading is for he himself to reclaim it from the person to
                                     whom he sent it. Better still in cases of this nature, which are by no means

                                     infrequent, the beneficiary should protect  his interests by  making  150%
                                     certain that he complies with all the terms and conditions of the credit and

                                     submits documents which will ensure receipt by him of payment because
                                     there are no discrepancies. But under no circumstances does the negotiating

                                     bank bind the issuing bank take up documents which ate not in order, and

                                     this position is not affected by the fact that part of the documents have
                                     never passed through the issuing bank’s hands, but have gone direct to the

                                     applicant for the credit.”
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