Page 232 - 進出口貿易與押匯實務疑難問題解析-首篇 (增修訂二版)
P. 232

216  進出口貿易與押匯實務疑難問題解析 (首篇)


                       簽字,因此不同部門出具之單據 (商業發票由押匯部主管簽具,包裝單由倉
                       儲部門簽具,產地證明書由工廠簽具)  其實他們都是同一受益人不相同部門


                           此點國際商會 2004 年 1-3 月第一號第 10 卷決議書亦曾作成如下之解釋:

                           “In  the application  of UCP  Article 21,  the experts are of the  unanimous
                       opinion that the fact that the manual signature on the certificate of origin might be

                       different from the manual signature appearing on other documents produced by the

                       beneficiary does not justify the rejection of the certificate of origin. Contrary to the
                       contention of the Respondent,  the Difference  between signatures is not an
                       inconsistency that would justify the rejection of the documents in accordance with

                       UCP sub-Article 13 (a) "

                           +The certificate of origin should be considered as conforming to the terms of

                       the documentary credit;
                           +Documents presented are conforming and the issuing bank had no reason for

                           The Appoint Experts came to a unanimous Decision.

                           -摘錄自“Recent DOCDEX decisions by ICC expert panels”ICC DCI Vol 10
                       No.1, Jan-Mar. 2004.

                           有關 UCP 500 第 21 條之適用性,專家們一致認為產地證明書之簽署由
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