Page 175 - 進出口貿易與押匯實務疑難問題解析-首篇 (增修訂二版)
P. 175

第四章  信用狀  159

                                  1. 超額保險會被拒付嗎?
                                  2. 押匯時,保險單以由受益人空白背書,是否須再由押匯銀行背書。

                             狀統一慣例 UCP600 第 28 條 f 項第 2 款之規定:


                                 若信用狀未表明所需保險投保範圍,則保險金額至少須為貨物 CIF (運
                             保費在內條件) 價額或 CIP (運保費付訖條件) 價額之 110%。

                                 至如 CIF 或 CIP 價額無法自單據認定時,保險金額須以要求兌付或讓購

                             一、出口商擬提示投保金額為商業發票 130%之保險單據,是否合乎規定乙

                                 The inclusion in an L/C  of a term  such as“Insurance for 110% invoice

                             value"is a bank’s way of trying to mirror the UCP requirement of 110%. However,
                             it has not always been translated as such. Consistent with the UCP construction,

                             banks that issue credit with such a clause are generally looking for a  minimum
                             voverage rather than an exact one. If a bank requires the insurance document to be

                             issued for exactly X% or X amount or words to similar effect, then the credit must
                             expressly state this requirement. (摘錄自-New queries from the May 2001

                             Meeting of the Banking Commission, Documentary Credits Insight Vol.7 No.3 July-
                             Sep. 2001)
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