Page 311 - 進出口貿易與押匯實務疑難問題解析-參篇 (增修訂二版)
P. 311

第四章  進口押匯及保證  297


                             一、依據 UCP600 第 2 條「信用狀」之定義,得知信用狀係開狀銀行
                                  (Issuing)  或應進口商  (Applicant)  之請求所開立之文書,符合該文書

                                  之情形,開狀銀行保證付款。來函所稱,L/C 上之限制押匯條款,若
                                  為開狀銀行或進口商之意思,當然必須遵循 L/C 之規定,若該限制


                             (一)依據國際商會銀行委員會 2001 年 5 月份探討事項內容表示:

                                  “An advice produced by an advising bank which is attached to the text
                             of the letter of credit constitutes a statement of the advising bank’s actions

                             which  have  been  taken  and/or  will  be  taken  upon  the  presentation  of

                             documents.  The content of an advising bank’s letter cannot change the term
                             of the underlying credit, but an advising bank is allowed to state its TERM

                             of  handing  stating  that  the  credit  is  available  with  it  by  payment  does  not
                             change  the  TERMS  of  the  underling  credit  which  remain  as  stated  in  the

                             issuing  bank’s  advice.    The  credit  would  still  be  available  by  negotiation
                             with any bank”—

                                  “New queries from the May 2001 meeting of the Banking Commission,
                             Documentary Credit Insight Vol.7 No.3 Jul. -Sep.2001.”
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