Page 230 - 進出口貿易與押匯實務疑難問題解析-參篇 (增修訂二版)
P. 230

216  進出口貿易與押匯實務疑難問題解析  (參篇)

                           “Does the commission agree that the clauses“Free In”“Free Out”
                       respectively  are  acceptable  even  if  the  credit  requests “CIF”,“FOB”

                       respectively ?
                           It was decided that a “Free In”provision in a transport document did

                       not exclude acceptance of such document in the case of an FOB Credit, and
                       that  a  “ Free  Out ” provision  in  a  transport  document  did  not  exclude

                       acceptance of such document in the case of a CIF (or C&F) Credit, Meeting
                       on 28 May 1986 ICC Documents 470/481” 中譯如下

                           FOB 條件下之 L/C 運送單據列有“Free  In”字樣時,並不排除對這
                       單據之接受;CIF (或 C&F) 條件下之 L/C,運送單據列有“Free Out”字


                           又依據 ISBP  (2013)  745 號對複合運送單據、提單、傭船提單有關額


                       Para D31:
                           a.  當信用狀規定運費以外的費用不可接受時,則複合運送單據不應

                           b.  複合運送單據顯示運費以外的費用時,可以明確提及額外費用,


                              方免責 Free  in  (FI)”、“卸貨船方免責 Free  Out  (FO)”、“裝卸貨船
                              方免責 Free  In  and  Out  (FIO)”及“裝卸貨及堆積船方免責 Free  In
                              and OutStowed (FIOS)”。

                           c.  複合運送單據可能提及下列的加收的費用,例如,由於卸貨或卸
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