Page 72 - NO.165銀行家雜誌
P. 72

               Special Issue

              面的實力更强,其記憶體正遭受需求大幅下滑                             幣的表現也在疫情期間、台灣大量出口時處於
              的影響,從DRAM和NAND價格下跌可見一斑。                          頂峰,如今表現相對疲軟,不足以緩解外需低
              通膨壓力大  家庭可支配收入受影響                                軟帶來了通膨壓力,對台灣家庭的可支配收入

                  外部需求曾支撐和幫助台灣經濟平穩渡過                           額外的壓力,不排除會形成惡性循環的可能。
              疫情,卻在後疫情時期成為最低迷的因素。此                             聯準會和台灣央行之間的利差仍然高而進一步
              外,當我們審視台灣的競爭力時會發現,新台                             加劇壓力。

                圖1  ج਷̮൱ვБ ԭݲཥɿପۜࢫπᏀɢܸᅺ€Νˢ %
              80 -                                                                                      - 80
              60 -                                                                                      - 60
              40 -                                                                                      - 40
              20 -                                                                                      - 20
               0 -                                                                                      - 0
              -20 -                                                                                     - -20
              -40 -                                                                                     - -40
              -60 -                                                                                     - -60
              -80 -                                                                                     - -80
                00      01      02       03      04       05      06      07       08      09      10       11      12      13       14      15      16       17      18      19       20      21      22      23
              注: 指標為庫存和出貨量之差,台灣、韓國和日本的平均值,數據截至 2023 年 5 月,使用 3 個月移動平均值。 大於 0= 庫存壓力較高。

              destocking until May 2023.                       Korean chipmakers and the fact that memory chips

                  The fact that the Chinese economy is not     are suffering from a huge downturn in a demand as
              recovering as expected after three years of pandemic   reflected in falling DRAM and NAND prices.
              is one of the reasons why the demand for electronics/  It is quite ironic that it is the external
              chips is not come back and the stocking cycle    demand, which that supported the  Taiwanese
              continues. This is happening against the backdrop   economy during the pandemic, is the one that is
              of a decelerating US and EU economies.           suffering the most in the current post-pandemic
                  Among different markets, South Korea faces   world. Furthermore, when we look at  Taiwan’s
              the most extensive pressure in destocking, which   competitiveness, the NTD was at its peak when
              is reflected in the bigger decline in semiconductor   Taiwan was exporting massively during Covid

              exports of 33% in July 2023, year-on-year, versus   while its relative weakness today is not enough
              12% in Taiwan and Japan. This can be attributed to   to mitigate the weak external demand and the
              the stronger presence of memory chips by South   de-stockage in the electronics sector. On the

         72   台灣銀行家2023.9月號

   1                  5%     JOEE
   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77