Page 71 - NO.165銀行家雜誌
P. 71


              存週期往往不會持續這麼長時間,但這一輪企                             期待的水平,這是電子產品/晶片需求沒有回
              業消耗電子產品和半導體庫存的周期已經成為                             升、備貨周期持續的原因之一。
              2000年以來時間最長的,截至2023年5月已有                              在亞洲主要的幾個市場中,韓國去庫存壓

              15個月。                                            力持續最長。2023年7月,韓國半導體出口下降
                  經過3年疫情后,在美國和歐盟經濟放緩的                          幅度甚至擴大至同比-33%,同期台灣和日本為
              全球背景下,中國經濟的復甦也並未達到市場                             -12%。這可歸因於韓國晶片製造商在記憶體方

              outbreak as manufacturers rushed to keep more    inventory  growth  in  Taiwan,  Japan  and  South
              inventories to ensure they could produce. The    Korea. This indicator points to the latest destocking
              irony is that the rush to secure access to chips has   cycle having started as early as March 2022.
              ended up into excessive stockage at a time when   Although there was an improvement in the third
              the demand was decelerating, especially with high   quarter of last year, the situation has deteriorated
              interest rates.                                  again recently. This is somewhat surprising since
                  The story sounds simple, but it is hard to   destocking cycles do not tend to last so long. In

              measure.  To that end, we have developed the     fact, the current cycle in which companies run
              Natixis Asia Electronics Inventory Stress Indicator,   down their electronic/semiconductor inventories is
              tracking the difference between shipment and     the longest since 2000, with already 15 months of

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2023.9月號 71

   1                  5%     JOEE
   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76