Page 63 - NO.153銀行家雜誌
P. 63


              入大氣,而其中的氧化亞氮,停留在大氣中                              使全球人口激增,並引發1960年代的「綠色
              的時間比二氧化碳更長,相同重量下引發溫                              革命」。我們當然可以大幅降低使用這些肥
              室效應的能力,是二氧化碳的300倍。20世紀                           料,但需要許多配套跟規劃,而斯里蘭卡全

              初發明的氮肥,取代了鳥糞成為主要肥料,                              都沒做。

              (i.e. accounting for its longer residence time in the   motivation for Rajapaksa’s fertilizer misstep. “Let

              atmosphere), nitrous oxide is 300 times more potent   me be clear – there was no wholesale embrace of
              of a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. Invented   ESG principles,” wrote Mel Sanderson, founder of
              around the turn of the 20th century to replace guano   Ethically Sustainable Growth (ESG+), in Investor Intel.
              as a natural resource, nitrogen fertilizers enabled an   “Had there been, regulations also would have been
              explosion in global population, and also played a key   promulgated regarding salaries and working conditions
              role in the ‘green revolution’ of the 1960s. It is possible   for rural laborers, government institutions charged with
              to drastically reduce synthetic fertilizer use, but doing   enforcing such regulations and protecting workers’
              so requires significant planning, taking various local   rights would have been empowered, and the general
              factors into account – none of which was done in Sri   working conditions on Sri Lankan farms would have

              Lanka.                                           been noticeably improved. None of that happened.”
                                                               Instead, the government misguidedly sought to reduce
              Does ESG bear responsibility?                    imported fertilizer in order to preserve Sri Lanka’s
                                                               foreign exchange reserves – even though fertilizer is a
                  Green investing was however not the primary   key input to tea, one of Sri Lanka’s important exports.

                                                                                           台灣銀行家2022.9月號 63

   1          5%     JOEE
   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68