Page 60 - NO.153銀行家雜誌
P. 60

               Special Issue




                                                                                      撰文:David Stinson孫維德

                    從 1970 年 代的通膨以來,經 濟學家                      膨)調整利率,因為用這兩者之和來觀察經
              自 談到物價上漲,就經常意味著經濟停                               濟,比使用其中任何一種都更穩定,而且更

              滯,甚至出現所謂的「痛苦指數」(M i s e r y                      可靠。
              I n d e x),也就是通膨率加上失業率,當時這                            2008年之後的經濟復甦某種意義上打
              個公式人人琅琅上口。最近也有一個類似的                              破了兩者的連結,在平緩的通膨下,失業率
              趨勢,市場貨幣主義(Market  Monetarism)                    卻居高不下。如今美國的經濟似乎也有這種
              認為應該要用名目 GDP(實際 GDP 加上通                          趨勢,物價明顯上漲,但G D P成長和就業率

              Pain in Emerging Markets Tests Both China’s BRI

              and ESG Concept

              Due to a variety of institutional and economic factors, few expect a repeat of the rolling
              debt crises of the 1980s and 90s. Instead, investors should watch out for more subtle
              trends: stagflation exported from the US, and disputes of a more political nature at the
              periphery of international capital institutions.

                  ince the inflation of the 1970’s, economists   More recently, so-called “market monetarism” has
              Shave generally associated price increases       advocated for interest rate adjustment based on

              with stagnation. The “misery index,” the sum of   nominal GDP (NGDP), the sum of real GDP and
              inflation and unemployment, as a shorthand for this   inflation – with the implication that the sum of the
              intuition, became a household term at that time.   two is more stable or reliable of an indicator than

         60   台灣銀行家2022.9月號

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